Long-term relationships with customers are built on a foundation of trust, fostered by clients’ believing that you have their best interests at heart. This can be accomplished by helping them stay on top of the latest tech trends that drive business and bring value to their organizations.
A compelling way to put this into practice is to help your customers transform their tired executive briefing centers (EBC) into new customer experience centers (CEC). A CEC can provide the opportunity to impress, engage and reinforce the elements that set the customer apart from its competitors.
But what are the key differences between the EBCs of a few years ago and today’s CECs?
The most distinguishing factor is that EBCs were originally built for presentations and didn’t lend themselves to the concept of true collaboration. They were theater-style meeting rooms where salespeople and high-level executives could conduct classic “dog and pony show” for top prospects and customers. However, expectations have changed – customers no longer want to simply be talked at, instead, they want an immersive buying experience. With this in mind, CECs are now used to enhance meeting preparation, client delivery and provide a persistent experience for post-meeting actions and follow-up.
As part of this shift, many large enterprises, including Cisco, Wipro, Sprint, and AT&T, are now touting new CEC environments.
Here are some of the key features that are finding their way into the modern CEC:
Helping enterprise customers upgrade their EBCs to become effective CECs is an effective way to move the needle – for you and for them. It can also present an excellent opportunity to encourage customers to exploit the latest technology and conduct a hardware refresh.
This blog was reprinted from a post originally appearing on the AV Interactive website (https://www.avinteractive.com/blogs/customer-experience-centre-opportunity-23-06-2017/). Some spelling conventions have been updated for a US audience.